The Best Water Filter for Preppers

In the prepper community, Berkey Filters have emerged as a favorite for being able to efficiently provide hydration in emergencies. An essential tool for survival right alongside canned food, first aid kits, and alternate power sources. Berkeys provide a solution for clean drinking water.
Why Do Preppers Love Berkey? What Makes Berkey an Emergency Preparedness Favorite?
1. No Electricity Needed
Berkeys are gravity-fed systems, which means water passes through the filter by the power of moving "downstream." Water is pulled downward by the gravitational pull of the Earth. No need to plug into the power grid to use this water filter system! Since most big storms, like hurricanes, tornados, and blizzards cause power outages, it's smart to not rely on electricity.

2. Long-lasting
Somewhat along the lines of Murphy's Law, it's better to have a Berkey and not need it for an emergency than to not have one. Buy a Berkey now and it will last for years, possibly even decades. The housing, or upper and lower chambers, of Berkey Systems (with the exception of the Berkey Light) are made of stainless steel. It's rust-resistant, durable, and sturdy. It will take a lot to damage the system to the point of not being able to use it.
You never know when a disaster will hit so it's better to be safe than sorry. Due to the long-lasting nature of the housing and filters, the systems don't need to be replaced often, so they can be stored almost indefinitely. The filters, when in use, last up to two years and can be stored for much, much longer. They can be dried out after use, correctly stored, and therefore be used again at a later date.
3. Serve a Large Group
Our most popular system, The Big Berkey, can create enough filtered water for 16 people in a crunch. When the upper chamber is constantly being refilled and kept full, it can filter seven gallons of water in one hour.
The Crown Berkey has more than twice that capacity. At six gallons, a large household with extended family members can easily have fresh, clean water for everyone with just one system.
With filter straws, only a small amount of drinkable water is created at a time. Plastic water bottles have a finite supply as well. As long as there is some kind of water, Berkeys can produce an almost unlimited supply of potable water that can be consumed immediately, or stored for later use.
4. Addresses Contaminants
A common problem as an effect of natural disasters is contaminated drinking water. In flood situations, the water level rises and compromises the safety of the water system. Black Berkey Filters will take care of it! A long list of common (and uncommon) contaminants are addressed in the filtering process. Clean water is important for hydration but it can also be used for cleaning out wounds. In the case of an injury, such as a scrape or cut preventing infection is vital. Berkey water is filtered at a very high level which makes it suitable for administering first-aid care. Staying healthy in an emergency is critical to survival.
Be Prepared with a Berkey Filter
If any advance warning is given for a disaster, fill up bathtubs or any other large containers of water so that you have a supply of water to filter through your Berkey.
The CDC recommends having at least one gallon of water per person per day, and a three-day supply of food that requires little or no cooking or refrigeration. It also recommends avoiding salty or spicy foods, as they may increase your need for drinking water.
Cases of plastic water bottles might not be a good option for water storage. Disposable plastic bottles can leach harmful chemicals into the water. The amount of water is also limited to the amount of storage space available. With a Berkey, there are more options for where to get the water to filter. Most bottled water is just tap water anyway. For more information on storing water checkout Prepper's Guide To Clean Drinking Water Storage.
Protect your family against harm by taking steps now to be prepared. It's not a matter of if but when disaster strikes. Be better prepared with a Berkey.