What is an anti-airlock clip?

The anti-airlock clip is a special tool for Berkey stainless steel systems to prevent an air lock or vacuum seal. This is one way to solve the problem of slow or no flow. It's a small metal clip that attaches to the lip of the lower chamber. The upper and lower chambers can fit so snuggly together that they create a vacuum seal or air bubble in the lower chamber which prevents water from flowing.

If you've ever turned on your Berkey spigot, and know that there's water in the chambers, this may be the cause for nothing to come out.
Anti-airlock clips come in the Quick Start Kit, that's complimentary with every system purchase. Find it in the small plastic bag with the two vials of red dye, and blue PrimeRite tool.
This tool was launched in 2019, so Berkeys purchased before then did not receive an anti-airlock clip. Another reason a customer may not receive it in their order is if they did not purchase from an authorized Berkey dealer. Be wary of counterfeit products.
In a pinch, you can use a straw, paperclip or folded piece of paper to create a small gap between the two chambers.
If this still doesn't resolve the problem of slow or no flow, try scrubbing and priming your filters. Find our troubleshooting page for more detailed solutions.